School Uniform

All children at Alburgh with Denton Primary are expected to wear school uniform as we believe it fosters a sense of belonging to the school.
Children should only be wearing the following items in school:
- School sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo on
- Grey or black trousers, skirt, pinafore dress or shorts
- Pale blue polo shirt, with or without school logo
- Blue and white check school summer dress, with or without school logo
- Plain black, grey or white matching socks
- Plain black or grey tights
- Sensible flat, plain, black shoes or ankle boots in winter. If children come to school in long boots or wellies these must be changed out of once in school.
- Sandals are not permitted
Children may wear a watch and flat, stud earrings only – other jewellery, wristbands, nail varnish and tattoos are not permitted. Earrings must be removed for PE lessons by the children – staff are unable to do this for them and we can no longer use plasters or tape to cover them.
Shoulder length hair must be tied back. Hair bands should be a sensible size and in the school colours. Coloured braids must be removed.
PE Kit should consist of:
- Black or navy shorts
- Plain white t-shirt, with or without school logo
- Black tracksuit for outdoor PE, with or without school logo
- Trainers for outdoor lessons
It is essential that all items of uniform and PE kit are named.
school uniform is available to order at
We also hold second hand uniform. This can be purchased from the school office, also at our second hand uniform sales held throughout the year.