Welcome to our SEND information report which is part of the Norfolk Local Offer for learners with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). As part of the Children and Families Bill 2014, all schools have a legal duty to make available their local SEND Offer to families which details how they can support children and young people with a special educational need and/or disability (SEND). It is a requirement that this is published and reviewed annually.

At Alburgh with Denton C.E.V.C Primary School we are committed to working together with all members of our school community. This local offer has been produced with pupils, parents/carers, governors and members of staff. We would welcome your feedback and future involvement in the review of our offer, so please do contact us.

Our SENCO within school is Mr Johnson.

SEN Report 2024-2025

SEND Policy

Please click the below link to read the full version of our SEND information report.

Norfolk's SEND Local Offer