Remote Learning

(Previously for pupils self isolating due to COVID 19)
Should your child need to access learning from home, our remote learning offer is very much aligned to the learning that is being offered in school.
How we will achieve the government’s remote learning expectations
- Online learning will be provided through Google Classroom. Each pupil has their own login details. This allows teachers to upload their own resources and provide feedback to students.
- Planned lessons will have clearly defined learning objectives which relate to the curriculum, matching the in-school objectives as closely as possible, to allow pupils to continue learning.
- Pupils’ work will be based on a range of resources, which may include online content such as videos created by teachers or other online materials as well as activities which can be completed away from the screen.
- Learning activities will be accessible to all pupils and should provide a degree of challenge.
- Regular opportunities for assessment will be planned.
- All pupils not in school are expected to take part in online learning unless they are unwell. Where students are not engaging, we will make contact with parents to discuss what the barriers to learning are and provide support to overcome these where possible.