Breakfast Club
Our school Breakfast Club runs from 7:45am until 8:45am in the school hall and, is open every day from Monday to Friday. The Club is run by two qualified members of our school staff. Children are provided with a breakfast of cereal, toast, yoghurt and fruit and have the opportunity to play games, read, complete homework or engage in creative activities until 8:45am when they head on to the playground ready to start the day.
Breakfast Club helps to increase a child's independence and confidence as well as providing a settled start to the day, and of course, is great fun!
Our Breakfast Club is flexible and convenient. Places can be booked up to 24 hours beforehand via Parentmail. We charge a nominal fee of £3.50 per day to cover the cost of food, and parents are able to use the club as and when they wish. Doors are open from 7.45am and shut promptly at 8.00am. Payment must be made in advance.
Children entitled to pupil premium funding are charged a reduced daily rate of £1.50.