School Meals

We have a strong commitment to healthy eating, and we offer a carefully planned menu to provide a varied, healthy and appealing school lunch.
Our meals are cooked at Pulham Primary school and are served in our school hall. There is a variety of choices each day including a hot dinner, vegetarian option, school packed lunch and jacket potatoes with various fillings, followed by a desert or fruit.
A school lunch costs £2.30 per day. All lunch orders for the week must be handed to the school office on a Monday morning.
In September 2014 the government introduced universal free school meals for all children in Reception and KS1 (years 1 and 2). This initiative entitles all children in these year groups to free lunches. These lunches again need to be ordered on a Monday morning.
Menus are available from the school office or from the links below, any changes that are made will be sent out via parentmail. Alternatively, children can bring to school a home packed lunch, this should also contain a drink.
The children in Reception and KS1 are provided with a piece of fruit each morning at break time. This is arranged by the local authority. Children in KS2 are welcome to bring in a piece of fruit or veg to have at morning break.
Milk is provided to children under 5. Once a child turns five years old parents can sign up to the cool milk scheme and purchase milk for their child. This can be ordered online at